I finally managed to get a few shots of Molly this afternoon but the sky has been dreary all day and the light is shocking but anyway these are it's good as it gets today. I prefer to shoot in daylight so the colours and textures show up as the really are...hence why some day I struggle with pictures!
Well anyway here is MOLLY the MAID, the second in my series of 'HAIR-DO BEARS'. Most people know that I already do bear with hair dos ...when I started making bears i felt it was a way to draw on my skill as a hairdresser and they have proved very popular. So I decided to see if I could push the envelope further than ever and this time give the bear a whole head of hair in a contrasting colour. Molly the Maid has a sharp little black bob with streaks of blonde.
When she was done I thought she looked like a little scullery maid ..hence her name. At 12 inches tall she is slightly bigger than my last little Hair-do bear Cherry. But I think she has the cutest face ever and I just love her whole look I think it's worked spectacularly well and is quite a unique look.
She can stand if balanced , has wired arms for posing and sculpted paws. I made her whole outfit which comprises a sweet black linen dress trimmed with vintage French silk ribbon, a little pinny which I finished with a row of tiny hearts. Her dinky little sweeping brush completes her pretty look.
Molly the Maid has now been adopted. Thanks!

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