I am scratching my head here...wondering why the parents of the little boy who died at the hands of the couple they 'gave' him to, to 'look after' because they couldn't 'cope' have not been punished themselves?
To my mind a parents first duty is to the children and if they wilfully hand those duties to someone else equally as irresponsible as they are then they are equally culpable if the child dies as a result of their irresponsibility. I think the lot of them should be locked up for good. Throw away the key!
Of course somebody, somewhere will claim that 'Social Services' are to blame..and someone, somewhere will be hung out to dry ....
Why don't these people who have children only to abuse and mistreat them ever think it might be their own acts of selfish stupidity that get them into the messes they are in. Why should anyone else get the blame for that?
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